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  Nilin Jaenke
MessageSujet: (#) Nilin Jaenke    VOTEROSENSTEIN - Nilin Jaenke 3ViG0Cu Dim 14 Jan - 15:01
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Nilin Jaenke

MessageSujet: (#) Re: Nilin Jaenke    VOTEROSENSTEIN - Nilin Jaenke 3ViG0Cu Dim 14 Jan - 15:23
Nilin Jaenke le 14/01 à 15:06

Take it from an outsider : peace is overrated. It has always been nothing but an idea. A dream. There is no peace for one simple reason : there is always something worth fighting for. #VOTEROSENSTEIN #WORTHFIGHTINGFOR

MessageSujet: (#) Re: Nilin Jaenke    VOTEROSENSTEIN - Nilin Jaenke 3ViG0Cu Mar 16 Jan - 22:08
Nilin Jaenke le 16/01 à 22:08

My shrink just basically told me to "open up." What does he think I am ? A fuckin' tin can ? Don't need some can opener. Feeling already better. #nevertrustashrink

MessageSujet: (#) Re: Nilin Jaenke    VOTEROSENSTEIN - Nilin Jaenke 3ViG0Cu Sam 20 Jan - 4:52
Nilin Jaenke le 20/01 à 04:52

If I catch the sonavabitch who started to yell some of Patrick's songs or whatever in the corridor, I swear to the stars that he will never be able to talk again. Never. #killingmood #patrickstellarien

MessageSujet: (#) Re: Nilin Jaenke    VOTEROSENSTEIN - Nilin Jaenke 3ViG0Cu Sam 20 Jan - 23:31
@Charlie a écrit:
Stellarian tribune le 20/01 à 19:27

Non, par contre on offre un verre de Xingji à tous ceux qui vengent notre jeune stagiaire de @Kara Nguyen Une boule de neige en plein visage devrait suffire !  

Nilin Jaenke le 20/01 à 23:31

Is it for real ? It's like painting a target on her back. But hey, I'm not complaining : my aim is pretty good. #freedrinks #targetpractice #movingtarget #paybackisabitch

MessageSujet: (#) Re: Nilin Jaenke    VOTEROSENSTEIN - Nilin Jaenke 3ViG0Cu Lun 22 Jan - 21:44
Nilin Jaenke le 22/01 à 21:45

@Elara Hartmann went hard on Zafy. Go girl ! Actions are more important than words, but I think it's time to provide some concrete answers. Dreaming is sweet, but it always fade away. #askzafy #needanswers #blondieforpresident

MessageSujet: (#) Re: Nilin Jaenke    VOTEROSENSTEIN - Nilin Jaenke 3ViG0Cu Lun 22 Jan - 22:34
Nilin Jaenke le 22/01 à 22:34

I don't like to say that I'm stuck between Zafy and Rosenstein. People tend to think that it makes me... well, I don't know (and really I don't care) but it's like you can't want to vote for Leona and him. I think it's kinda crazy. It's not just about war and exploration. How can only one person decide the fate of mankind ? Wilkinson was unique, and I like to think that even him knew that it was just a temporary solution. My opinion, again. But I don't see how "getting back Earth" and "find another home among the stars" is incompatible. Oh by the stars, I sound like one of thoses utopists. Charlie, don't publish this. #charlieout

MessageSujet: (#) Re: Nilin Jaenke    VOTEROSENSTEIN - Nilin Jaenke 3ViG0Cu